WELCOME TO YEAR 6 - info/events/HW

Welcome back Year 6!
Make sure you come to school fully prepared with everything you will need to help your learning. Use the checklist below to make sure you have what you will need.
Bikeability 2020: Week commencing 9th November
Update: 03/11/20:
This week your child will come home with further information about Bikeability and what they will need next week. This year children will take part in a two hour slot on a specific day, they will be given their day and time by their class teacher this week.
Class days are as follows:
6BW    Monday am and pm, Tuesday am
6CL     Tuesday pm, Wednesday am and pm
6CH    Thursday am and pm, Friday am and pm
Please use the following link to familiarise yourself with how to stay safe on the roads. 
Bikeability club: Here is the link to the Bikeability club which you can join if you want to receive newsletters with more information about Bikeability training, as well as useful hints and tips on riding together as a family and enjoying cycling after your Bikeability course, plus offers, promotions and other opportunities…